G2VET would like to develop an understanding of the dimensions of the term “sustainability” and create a community in the field of sustainability in everyday work in educational institutions.  Therefore, we want to establish advanced forms of communication among partners and the raising of awareness by learning with and from each other. The aim is to encourage ourselves and the community to get involved in the topic ā€œsustainabilityā€.

For this purpose we are establishing a blog with the findings and the process of the project (working-out-loud), with potential for community development. We will develop small learning nuggets (lifehacks) on the addressed topics and building up a collection of these as part of a toolbox of “small steps” that can be implemented by anyone. The most relevant learning nuggets we will publish in form of a guidebook.

G2VET aims that staff from the participating institutions knows the lifehacks and can apply them using the relevant digital resources. The staff members involved in the organizations and departments are familiar with the European GreenComp model and can assess their competences. The project consortium itself takes on the role of learners. We document our learning journeys and make them available as an experience.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.