VET Teachers in Castilla y León discussing how to foster Sustainable Competences

From the Workshop “Teaching Sustainability and Developing Sustainable Competence in Vocational Education and Training”.


As part of the G2VET final conference in Valladolid on 15 May 2024, which was attended by teachers and responsible persons from VET Centres and companies from across the province of Castilla y León, the G2VET consortium also offered a workshop on “Teaching sustainability”.

The entire event focussed on the GreenComp EU and the role of teachers. In the context of developing sustainability skills, it emphasised the shift from traditional knowledge delivery methods to the role of teachers as facilitators and enablers of learning, transmitting values and developing attitudes, in light of the fact that a sustainability module will be introduced in vocational training in Castile and León from September 2024.

The workshop aimed to foster the collaboration and exchange among educators discussing problems around the development of sustainable competence according to GreenComp fostering an environment of shared learning and problem solving. The workshop was based on group discussions and collaborative brainstorming. Each group had the task of exploring different aspects of developing sustainability competence in vocational education.

The specific topics covered were methodology, competence development, objectives and learning outcomes, and the application of sustainability to specific sectors. Each group led discussions and collected ideas supported by guiding questions.

The Key Questions for the Group Discussions

Group 1: Metholology

  • What are effective teaching methods for engaging learners in sustainability education?
  • How can you use students’ interests and experiences to foster investment in sustainability issues?
  • What resources or technologies could enhance sustainability education?
  • How can sustainability topics be made relevant and accessible to students?

Group 2: Competence Development

  • How can sustainability topics develop competences like critical thinking and problem-solving?
  • What activities could foster the development of sustainable thinking and behaviour?
  • How can the development of sustainability competences be assessed and measured?
  • What opportunities exist for developing sustainable competences during internships?

Group 3: Objectives and Learning Outcomes

  • How can practical problems and sector developments be integrated into the sustainability curriculum?
  • What methods can assess competence development in sustainability education?
  • How can students’ interests and experiences be leveraged to align with learning objectives?

Group 4: How to Apply Sustainability in a Specific Sector?

  • How does the economic sector you are teaching in strengthen the transition to a green economy?
  • What sustainability content could be integrated into your sector’s VET curriculum?
  • How could sustainable competences be developed during sector-specific internships?

Conclusion and Reflections

The workshop concluded with each group presenting their findings, sparking further discussion and idea-sharing. The collaborative effort highlighted the collective commitment of VET teachers in Castilla y León to foster sustainable competences among their students. By focusing on experiential learning, real-world relevance, and student engagement, the workshop successfully laid the foundation for a transformative approach to sustainability education in the region.

1. Methodology

The group highlighted the importance of experiential learning, such as field trips to local sustainable businesses and hands-on projects that address real-world issues. They suggested using digital tools like simulation software and interactive quizzes to make learning more engaging. To tap into students’ interests, the group recommended integrating local environmental issues and encouraging student-led initiatives.

2. Competences

This group emphasized project-based learning as a powerful method for developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They proposed activities like community sustainability audits and design challenges. To measure competence development, the group suggested using rubrics and portfolios, and they highlighted the importance of internships with companies committed to sustainability.

3. Objectives and Learning Outcomes

The group recommended aligning the curriculum with current industry trends and local environmental challenges to make it relevant. They proposed using performance tasks and formative assessments to track progress. Engaging students through personalized projects and leveraging their experiences were seen as key strategies to foster interest and commitment.

4. Sector-Specific Applications

This group discussed the role of green technologies and sustainable practices specific to their sectors. They suggested integrating content related to energy efficiency, waste reduction, and sustainable materials. For internships, the group recommended partnerships with eco-friendly companies and creating mentorship programs focused on sustainability.

The summary presented here is based on the posters and group notes and provides an overview of the most important discussion points. However, it is important to note that the diversity of ideas and arguments exchanged cannot be fully reflected in this framework. The lively discussion and rich exchange of experiences during the workshop go beyond this written summary.

Moving Forward
As the new sustainability module starts in September 2024, the insights and strategies developed during this workshop will be used in the future of vocational education in Castilla y León. The shift from imparting knowledge to facilitating learning and developing sustainable attitudes is a significant step that will be supported by the G2VET Project Partner: Junta de Castilla y León (JCYL), Consejería de Educación, Dirección General de Formación Profesional y Régimen Especial.

We would like to thank all participants for their valuable contributions and wish them every success with the launch of the new sustainability model. Stay connected and keep in touch.

We invite all participants and readers to share their thoughts and experiences in this blog.

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