Impulse givers and followers wanted on the way to a green work culture!

Behind the scenes, discussions are in full swing. With the launch of our “G2VET” project in January 2023, we now on the way to advance the topic of “Sustainable Thinking and Action in Educational Enterprises”. We want to build a community of interested and committed people from our educational institutions who will consider with us how we can integrate sustainability into our thinking and actions. To this end, we would like to bring you on board.

We are Tanja and Leena from Finland, Ingrid from Austria, MariĆ  Altamira and the General Director for Vocational Training and Special Regime of JCYL from Spain and Angela from Germany. We are the core team behind “G2VET”. We are teachers, project workers and education coordinators in our institutions. But above all, we are non-stop learners, new-experience-lovers, solution finders, networkers, impulse givers and takers ā€“ and nature lovers.

As a project consortium, we want to learn together with you!

We are aware that as employees of educational institutions, we have a special role to play in the education of future-oriented thinking and acting. And this is not possible without considering climate protection and sustainability.

But how consciously should each of us act to make a personal contribution to a more climate-friendly, liveable life?

Your answers are needed

We spend a large part of our lives at work. So, the first question we ask ourselves is which small measures can also be implemented in the workplace. Can we use this approach to make the work culture in our companies “greener”? Can we also become role models for our learners?

But we also ask ourselves what sustainable education should look like and how it can be integrated into the vocational training context. 

We want to exchange and network with you on these questions, trying things out and we are looking forward to your ideas and impulses.

Concerns arise

But now, as we dive deeper into the subject, concerns arise. How do we find an open ear for the topics among our colleagues without talking about things that many people have become aware of since the energy crisis struck? Can it be a way to define challenges and try them out on our own?

Only together can it be successful

Be part of it! Communicate your thoughts and suggestions to us. Tell us about your experiences. Share good practice with us.

1 thought on “Impulse givers and followers wanted on the way to a green work culture!

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      Green thinking/practices should be integrated into every curriculum. That way it becomes part of everyday life and as standard how we use natural resources. It should be Europe’s competitive edge against countries that have different workersā€™ rights and polluting industry.

      My kid collects every paper, bottle, can and other trash she sees on the ground and puts it in trashcan or brings at home :). I always do the same, so she learned it from my example. I never gave her lectures about littering, just showed example. Best way to learn. My best learning came from my mom, when I was a kid. She bought me candy bar and I went out to my football game. I cycled about 3 kilometers to where the game was and halfway through, I threw candy wrapper on the ground. After the game my mom gave me that candy wrapper and told me to put it in a trashcan. She picked it up from the ground when she came to see my match after me and knew that I was the one who threw that wrapper on the ground.

      My friend just visited Bangkok and could not even see the sun through cloud of dust and dirt and what not coming from factories. Sad part is that, after a couple of weeks he got used to it. Damn my English is rusty.

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