Christmas time at last!
Follow our Advent Calendar

Christmas time.
For some it is the best time of the year. It’s a time full of lights, scents and flavours, thoughts about pleasant little gifts and time together. But the countdown to Christmas is supposed to be also a time of calm and reflection.
We, the G2VET team, love both sides of the Christmas season. And we talked a lot to find approaches to convert the Christmas Season into a more sustainable quality time: spent time with people, be mindful in planning decoration, gifts and meals, connect to nature.
Each day we share a splinter of an idea with you in our Advent calendar, which you will find with this picture on our site.
Share with us your anticipation of this special time of year.
We warmly invite you to follow us and become part of our project community.
Christmas is only once a year, but the ideas from our Advent calendar can be used all year round. We have added the Advent calendar to our Lifehacks and compiled recommendations in the Lifehack No. 24 on how it can also be used outside of the Christmas period.
In keeping with the post on 10 December, the Education & Skilled Crafts Foundation team met up a few days later for a cosy Christmas dinner (13 December 2023) – and collected ideas for joint activities with family and friends. It’s amazing how many board games we all know and what great recommendations for new exciting gaming activities came from our group! It promises to be a merry Christmas trying them out.
SBH teams enjoyed the planning of activities in the sense of the social dimension of sustainability