Nature is an endless source of inspiration for artists. With works of art, you can take a stand on the events of the world around you and describe the phenomena of your own time. With art, you can also speak for nature and express your own feelings (e.g. joy, peace, sadness, anxiety). Environmental art is art made in the built […]
Make your own #sustainabilitypromise and participate in our challenge!
Example has enormous power, as does sharing different ideas. That’s why we decided within our project to challenge you to tell us what your sustainability promise is! With the challenge, we want to encourage managers, developers, teachers, students, as well as various stakeholders to write their own act of sustainable development and responsibility. The more we say and talk about […]
LetĀ“s go to the flea market!
In Finland, secondary school students are required to study the promotion of sustainable development. Here in Kannus, natural resources students get to know sustainable development shops and flea markets in these classes! At the beginning of the visits, the flea market owners present their operations and the principles by which their company operates. At the KannusKulma flea market, customers can […]
Welcome to Kpedu pollinators!
Nature supports the well-being, health and learning of young people and adults. In nature, you have the opportunity to relax, clarify your self-image, calm down and relieve stress symptoms. However, according to research, children’s and young people’s connection to nature in particular has continuously decreased, e.g. with the increase in the use of social media. Increasing the diversity of nature […]