
How do holidays and sustainability go together?

Every year a highlight for many of us: the long-awaited holiday season. We have made our plans months ago and discussed questions such as ā€œnature or city, mountains or lake, active holidays or being really lazy, flying, travelling by train, car – or perhaps staying at home altogetherā€? For us, it’s going by car and ferry to an island. But […]

Reflecting on six months of our sustainability journey

To sum up: We have learned a lot and now we are ready to put it into action! The way there was marked by discussions, information, reorientation, reading and learning. Perhaps it was the scale of the issue, the multitude of possibilities for action and the knowledge of the widespread interest in the issue through various channels that made us […]

This is about collaborative learning in G2VET

Today MarĆ­a Altamira from Spain, Ingrid from Austria and Angela from Germany met online to practice working with WordPress together. We have chosen the topic “Editing posts”. It’s about designing our texts, working with images and scheduling posts via the WordPress editor. Without being communication experts, we want to report in our posts about the progress of the project work, […]

SBH first challenge

We like to meet in our kitchen to spend our lunch breaks together, but also to discuss and exchange ideas. We like to drink tea or coffee – and then there’s the washing up. Fortunately, we have a dishwasher. The only thing is that every tab we use is packed away separately. Is there another way? We looked around and […]

Sustainability in Professional Life

Sustainability is a growing concern in today’s society, and it has become a critical part of our professional lives. With climate change and environmental degradation becoming increasingly apparent, people are more aware of their actions and the impact they have on the world. Sustainability is not just a buzzword or a trend, it is a way of life. It means […]