Let´s go to the flea market!

In Finland, secondary school students are required to study the promotion of sustainable development. Here in Kannus, natural resources students get to know sustainable development shops and flea markets in these classes! At the beginning of the visits, the flea market owners present their operations and the principles by which their company operates.

At the KannusKulma flea market, customers can reserve a table and price their products themselves. The sales table can be reserved for at least one week at a time. Through the electronic service, the customer can follow the progress of the sale. Finally, the merchant accounts the profit of the table to the customer. Toive-kirppis runs again on the donation principle. People donate things they don’t need to the flea market, which the entrepreneur then prices and puts up for sale.

During the visit, the students were given the task of looking for a product or products that they could consider buying. Students have to take a picture of the product and justify why they would buy it at a flea market. In addition, they had to research and look at electronic and electrical devices sold at flea markets, think about whether they would buy them at flea markets or not.

Flea markets are a great place to make discoveries and promote sustainable development! The cheaper prices at flea markets are also appealing to both students and families with children. And the best thing is almost always that you never know what kind of discoveries you will make! This time, the students found clothes for their relatives’ children, outdoor clothes for themselves, dishes and tools. We teachers also made discoveries during this visit – real music and warm winter shoes. One person’s trash is another’s treasure!

Read more about the great opportunities of agriculture for the circular economy:

Food – the biggest challenge but the greatest potential!

Circular solutions can halt biodiversity loss – The food and agriculture sector can make the largest contribution.

You find more information about the planning for this lesson in our Lifehack No. 8, while the Lifehack no. 7 goes about “Rethinking economy”.

The students do their circular economy task: they look for a product at the flea market that they could buy.

You can make surprising discoveries at the flea market!

When visiting a flea market, students have to think about what to take into account when buying electronic devices.

One person’s trash is another’s treasure!

All pictures were taken during the lesson by Kpedu.

2 thoughts on “Let´s go to the flea market!

    • Author gravatar

      I teach media and our students use flea markets a lot for their projects. It’s an affordable and sustainable way of getting for example props or outfits for videos or photosoots. The added benefit is that many times you find more interesting options than buying stuff brand new.

      When we have equipment or other items that are now longer useful, we also have “in-house” flee markets for students, so that can adopt useful items for their own use : )

    • Author gravatar

      Are flea markets at vocational schools or educational institutions perhaps also a good training opportunity for trainees from different professional profiles at your institution – and a sustainable treasure trove for everyone?
      Why don’t you check with your colleagues whether such a project could be realised in your company?

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