Bee hotel, done by AnneMarie Ohnoutka, 2024 As I do every spring, I’m going to “winterise” my balcony. I remove the brown, annual plants in the flowerpots from the previous year and replace them with fresh, flowering ones. When buying plants, I make sure that the flowers are suitable as food for bees. As pollinators, they ensure the propagation and […]
Easter, the bunny and chocolate
Sweet treats in sight: Chocolate and Sustainability Easter has left its chocolatey mark. As one of the most important celebrations in the Christian calendar, Easter has developed a number of traditions and customs over the years that make it a special event. Every year, children look forward to searching for the colourful eggs hidden by the Easter Bunny. Along with […]
What I take with me from EARTH HOUR 2024: HandPrint Approach vs. Footprint Concept I think action days like Earth Hour are valuable opportunities to learn about environmental issues, reflect on our own actions and discuss them together. In this way we can raise awareness of the need to protect our environment. I am pleased to know that environmental organisations […]
Happiness and Sustainability
Today is the International Day of Happiness, which was established by the United Nations in 2012 to remind us how important happiness and well-being are for human life. In the justification for this International Day, the UN emphasises the importance of sustainable development for individual and collective happiness. In a world that is constantly changing, characterised by uncertainty and complex […]
A life almost without waste?
A great thought, because last Friday it was that time again: weekend grocery shopping. Admittedly, this is always a question of time and so the route usually leads to the supermarket round the corner. The shopping trolley is quickly filled and then it’s time to unpack and store at home. These are always the moments when I start thinking about […]
How do holidays and sustainability go together?
Every year a highlight for many of us: the long-awaited holiday season. We have made our plans months ago and discussed questions such as ānature or city, mountains or lake, active holidays or being really lazy, flying, travelling by train, car – or perhaps staying at home altogetherā? For us, it’s going by car and ferry to an island. But […]
Reflecting on six months of our sustainability journey
To sum up: We have learned a lot and now we are ready to put it into action! The way there was marked by discussions, information, reorientation, reading and learning. Perhaps it was the scale of the issue, the multitude of possibilities for action and the knowledge of the widespread interest in the issue through various channels that made us […]
Impulse givers and followers wanted on the way to a green work culture!
Behind the scenes, discussions are in full swing. With the launch of our “G2VET” project in January 2023, we now on the way to advance the topic of “Sustainable Thinking and Action in Educational Enterprises”. We want to build a community of interested and committed people from our educational institutions who will consider with us how we can integrate sustainability […]